My New Year's resolution will be to blog more.
I have lots to say. And I know you are all dying to know.
Just a few pics to document our crazy lives in 2011.
I learned a lot in 2011. A lot about myself. A lot about my family. A lot about life in general.
I turned 40 in 2011, and my husband threw me a party not to be outdone anytime soon.
I realized my best friend really is my husband, and I would be lost without him. He is always there for me, I am completely comfortable in my own skin with him, and he knows and loves me for me. All of me. Imperfect. Bitchy. Crazy. And everything in between. (oh, and there's lots in between-just ask him!)
I have the most wonderful kids a Mother could ask for. Yes, somedays, I don't question why certain animals eat their young, but for the most part know that they are the absolute best of me. The best of me that I didn't even know existed. I know they will make their ways in the world and leave marks on all they encounter. They are full of love, and never complain, even when something (or someone) changes their plans-namely the littlest and baldest one.
I have a great immediate family. I have crazy, funny, eccentric, bossy, bitchy sisters. My Mom is pretty much the same, we come by it all naturally, and I wouldn't change a thing.
My Dad's pretty amazing for having put up with all of us over the years and still have any hair left. I know, more than ever, that I can count on each and every one of them to be there for me, cause they have, and they will. Always and Forever. My brothers live out of state-and I'm sure for the reasons mentioned above :) I love and miss them bunches. My step-mom thinks we are all crazy, and ya know what-she's absolutely right! That's what I love about my family.
My extended family-cousins, aunts, uncles, great aunts, great uncles are pretty darn cool. They have opened their doors, arms, and hearts for us in this last year in ways I can never repay. I love having extended family I am close to, cause when we are all together they make me smile, make me laugh and make me drinks. They are giving my children a lot of what I had growing up-family far away in miles, but always close at heart. A gift they will cherish as they grow older-like I do!
My friends, my besties. Well, what other can I say about them other than they are all hot messes. Much like myself. Birds of a know the saying. Parties, hugs, dinners, lunches, sales, Bunco, late nights and early mornings, they are there. Phone, email, FB, text. They are there. I love them, need them, and can't imagine my life without them. Over the years I have realized what makes a friend, and what doesn't. All of you in my life, I call 'friend', thank you for being such.
I have a job to go to where I work with some amazing people who make me smile and sometimes laugh so hard my belly hurts. I enjoy going to work, and I know lots of people who can't say that. I like helping people, but sometimes I wonder why people don't help themselves more often-then maybe they wouldn't be on my scan table. My work place is like it's own little world, one I love to escape to some days and just be an employee-not a mom, wife or caregiver. I have needed that this year, and I got it.
I have known love this year like never before.
Thanks 2011, it's been a good year, cause I made it through, I'm still here, and get to live another one.
Cheers to the memories made and the ones yet to make.
Bring it on 2012-I'm ready.