Good thing I didn't have to.
Because thanks to God and all our supporters sending prayers for good Ju-Ju to the bald guy-there is NO leakage at all. NO failure, NO right heart dysfunction, NO left heart dysfunction, NO pulmonary hypertension or edema. NO vegetation. Just a perfectly seated little stent valve working perfectly well.
So well, in fact, that we no longer have cardiology appointments every three months-we get to start seeing them every 6 months! Ethan looked so good all the way around today-gained 3 more real pounds-our forever 36# boy now weighs 46.64#, and we can tell! His oxygen sats were 100% on room air, and he even sat up in a chair in the exam room waiting to see his favorite bald guy-and show off a little.
Dr Kaine was pretty darn impressed.
And so are we.
So are we.