With that being said, I'm gonna throw some numbers at you all now, drum roll please......
weight Monday AM 186lbs
weight Tuesday PM 191lbs -evening, clothes on, 4 meals in, etc.
the big news: 1.25% body fat loss
I have been told not to watch the scale, so for the next two weeks, until measurements again, I am not going to weigh myself at home. (and I'm going to make a morning appt with James so we see a HUGE loss that day-just kidding!)
As I look at myself in the mirror, I am noticing changes that I'm sure other people don't see-my husband does-but then again, he's the only one that does see me naked, well, besides my gynecologist, but that's another story.
In my torso I've noticed the biggest change. You know that aspect of a woman's body that makes them look like an hourglass shape? Well, the area from armpits to top of my hips has slimmed down immensely-the part of the hourglass the sand sifts through. Now, I still got me some wide hourglass shape below that-but we're working on it! My scrub pants are fitting better, and I'm close to getting into all the pairs I have hanging in my closet that are a whole size smaller!
I've seen James 6 times now in 3 weeks, and each time I feel stronger and less clumsy. Though I think he can tell just how uncoordinated I am and he's not too willing to risk me falling over yet and having to pick me up off the floor to make me do anything to crazy like one-legged step ups on the square box thing with weights in my hands-yeah too coordinated for me to accomplish just yet! Stronger-yes, most definitely. I feel myself sitting up straighter, walking taller, and having more confidence-does that sound crazy? It might-but it's sure how I feel!
After my first post about my journey, I got lots of emails and phone calls of support and encouragement. Thank you so much for those of you that took the time to post something, or call-it really does mean a lot to me. It's funny how taboo weight is to talk about, especially amongst women-so many were people thanking me for being so honest and open. Some told me it really made them realize that they, too, need to do something to get healthy. Because I don't want everyone to think the only reason I am doing this is to be skinny. It's a BIG reason, yes, cause I want to get me some cute new jeans at Christmas, and wear that slutty, made-for-a-12 -year-old-body Halloween costume next year for the party, and put on a swimsuit I would actually wear without a cover-up again someday. But NO, that is not the main reason. My main reasons?
my health
my children
my husband
my life
My health: not good when you are overweight-all the terrible health risks that come with obesity: diabetes, heart disease, etc. etc. Also, we recently found out that I have a mass on my right ovary-as a matter of fact, there is not much ovary left. I will be having surgery sometime in October to have it removed and sent to pathology. Is it cancerous? Probably not, but no one can say for sure until it's out and through path. It is not a cyst, though has some cystic components along with a large solid mass. And with my family history-a Grandmother who died from ovarian and breast cancer-it must come out! After a recent ultrasound, it has been determined that it is a little larger than it originally measured before we went on vacation, so I have another ultrasound scheduled for mid-October to check it out one more time. That has been my driving factor in getting healthy-an abdominal laprascopic surgery will put me down for 2-3 weeks, with no lifting and other restrictions, and I didn't want to wait until then to get started. I talked to James about it before we began our sessions, and he was cool with it-start now, work my ass off, deal with what I can/can't do when the time comes-oh, but he will hold me to the diet during my down time-RATS, still no cheating there!
My children: Hailey, Parker and Ethan are the loves of my life, they mean the world to me, and I think we have done a pretty darn good job bringing them up to be contributing members of society someday. We are pretty strict with them, and they work hard at school and help out a lot at home. Hailey and Parker are good kids, polite, kind, empathetic and caring-they haven't had typical childhoods because of having a brother like Ethan. Though I don't think either one of them would change a thing-there are times I have rewarded them for dealing with what they have with food. Our little vice for the last few years has been our Sunday nights together. Brian goes to off-duty, and we pack up and head to QT-it's 32oz sodas, Twizzlers, Reece's Pieces, and cupcakes for all-everybody gets a couple of snacks! Then back to the house, in my bed we all hang out and binge out. TERRIBLE HABIT!!! Parker is getting chunky-the round the middle kind of chunky-the bad fat, belly fat chunky, and he's only 11! We are doing him no favors, just guaranteeing that he will probably get diabetes someday if we continue this ritual. And Ethan. Ahh, my special little guy. I would really like to be around for him for as long as he needs me-and as long as he's alive, he's gonna need me! By not taking care of myself, I am essentially not taking care of him, and that thought kills me. Ethan is 35lbs of skinny, dead weight that would rather giggle and curl up in a ball when you pick him up than help you at all. The last thing I need is to have a bad back or be too fat to haul him around!
My husband: My greatest love, my husband of 8 years, the man I knew I would marry the day I met him and showed him my tatoo....we are doing this together, and man that feels good! I love going to the gym with him, and shopping for our food together, and then making and packing all our meals together. That probably sounds crazy too, but it's sooo true, and wonderful to have him by my side and supporting me!
AND-he started with James last week and he's doing awesome also!
My Life: Well, more than anything, I've learned that my life and the people in it and the people who count on me are worth making better choices for and living life to the fullest of my potential!
This was kind of a sappy post-but more humor soon-got lots to share, and big laughs coming up!
James and all the HitchFit Trainers going to Ontario this weekend for competetion-GOOD LUCK!!!!
Loved this post!! You are an awesome inspiration and keep up the good work because we're all rooting for you!!
ReplyDeleteI think it's great that you and your husband are bonding over your new, healthy habits!! That's good stuff!!