Friday, March 2, 2012

Round One done!

This is Kari, so be warned there may be some Dilaudid induced typos!  I'm in Room 533,  got up here about 8pm-I think?!?!?

First things first-a huge thanks to all of my cheering section.  I love you all and loved waking up this morning to such encouraging messages.  Just makes my determination to kick this even stronger!

Now for what you all want to know-lymph nodes on the right were positive. So it looks like chemo is in my near future.  We will know more when the complete pathology comes back around Tuesday. He biopsied three, and two were positive.  Kind of what we already thought anyway-but again-will know the full deal in a few days.  On a positive note-I get to stay a whole two days now!!  Woo-hoo!

Was scheduled for a port placement too, but Dr Failing was unable to get it in, so I will be visiting Radiology sometime in the next couple of weeks to get that done.  I know a few people there-so I'm thinking arranging that won't be too hard!   Speaking of Radiology-my department and co-workers are awesome!  Many of them were sporting pink ribbons on their name badges today in my honor, and the CT folks got some 'fight like a girl' pink bracelets to wear.  Surgery actually let me wear mine in the OR!  And to the Radiologists-thank you all so very much for the generous gift!  It was very, very thoughtful!  Dr Feiock-thanks for all your help and for doing the Sentinel Node injection for me today.  I greatly appreciate how wonderful Dr Feiock has been since the start of this crazy journey for me, and all his kindness and thoroughness, and lido w/epi.....
  Everyone in my department for that matter!  You all put the R in Rad!  (Literally!) 
I'm so funny-and high right now!

Now-in truer than true Rawley fashion......Ethan is being admitted to Children's Mercy right now.  He came home from school with a low grade fever-no big deal, but by 4pm it was 103.  My sister Kate and Hailey took him to Mercy North, and he was transported from up north to downtown by ambulance.  He has a red, hot to the touch leg, and so they think it's cellulitis.  He's getting some high dose antibiotic right now-Vancomycin and Rocephin and were getting ready to do a doppler when I talked to Kate last.  If I can ask a huge favor-I really don't want him alone at all, and clearly I'm not going anywhere, and Brian can't drive.  Between my sisters and Teresa and Dad I know they are going to be there with him, and my Mom is staying at our house with Parker- but if anyone can spare some time to swing by and give them a break and him a hug I would be especially grateful!!   

And another favor to ask-will someone please hunt down the evil person has has the voo-doo dolls of my family and bring them to me????  Don't burn them, or throw them away-just bring them to me so I can put them in a nice, safe location.......argh!!!!

Getting ready to hit my button and go to la-la land.  Will update tomorrow!
thanks again everyone!


  1. Glad things went well with you and you seem in high spirits! And what a way for the shit to hit the fan :P I would fly there in a second to spend the night with Ethan if I could.... done it many times for my own girl and I really wish I could help! Hope he gets feeling better, and hope your high spirits continue! You'll both be in my prayers <3

  2. Kari! I'm have thought about you constantly today. What a rough go of it! If you didnt have enough to keep your mind reeling! Heal heal heal! I will search for those dolls for sure!!! Gotta pull those pins out!

  3. My little 5 year old girl, Zoe and I had a bonding moment because of you. She is really too smart for her own good and she new exactly what the pink ribbons stood for and wanted to make sure each one were Very special and perfect to "support my Friend" It was so wonderful to see everyone that Wanted one and even the guys were not afraid to wear pink in your honor. Thinking of you and Ethan and hoping you both get well soon. :-)- Jamie
