Monday, March 4, 2013

March. In like a lion....

In true Midwest March fashion, it's the 3rd of March and we have feet of snow on the ground! I love it! The cold, I could do without.
The end of February was busy for all of us, and March may just outdo it!
We have been getting everything together for the state for Ethan's Lopez Waiver to start, and with that means all of his annual Dr appointments:
Cardiology- Check (see last post for deets)
Hearing and Speech- yep, Ethan still has a significant hearing loss and needs new hearing aids. Got his molds done, just waiting for his MO Health Net to kick in so we can schedule his ABR -Auditory Brain Response -specialized hearing test-to be done and get his aids ordered.
Endocrinology-this week for Growth Hormone check up
Ophthalmology- this week for annual check
Pediatrician- last Thursday for orders for PT/OT eval at Mercy to see if The bald kid needs an OPM-otopharyngeal motility study-or swallow study-to see if he aspirates. If not, we are hoping to get him back in the pool for Aqua Therapy! And either way, an OT eval to see about some intensive feeding therapy.
On a side note, while at the peds, when Dr Russell came in to see E, we had him sitting up on the table and he remained sitting, unassisted, the whole time she examined him and chatted with us! He was so showing off for her, and she loved it!! So she whipped out her phone and pulled up the Taylor Swift/goat video on YouTube and showed it to him! He cracked up, and so did I! Even though it kind of makes fun of his girl-he still thought it was pretty hysterical. If you haven't seen it, do it, it's quite hilarious!
Then on to Pulm and Ortho in April.

Hailey is playing in VB tourneys about every other weekend. Just came home from a big one in Nebraska-not with any medals though. Then Topeka this weekend, the Parkville PowWow on the 16th, and to Springfield, MO the 23rd. Brian is taking her to the Springfield one and I'm staying home with the boys and dogs because it's just too pricey to board the dogs for the weekend, and Harley hates it anyway. And Parker and E will be bored to tears. Hailey is going to Prom with Jonny in Wichita on April 13th, and we got her dress this weekend. I would post pics, but Jonny hasn't seen the dress yet and she doesn't want him to!

Parker has started Track and Field practice with his first meet on the 28th. Not sure yet what event he will be competing in. As practices proceed, the coaches will find his strengths and decide. He came home pretty sore Friday after all the running AND Pilates! Love it! We have his Freshman-eeks Freshman-meeting tomorrow night where we meet the fall sports coaches and Freshman teachers. Parker has decided he wants to go out for football in the fall, so we will meet the coaches and get all that fun info. Practices and camps start as soon as school is out, and are early! Not sure he knows what he's in for-but he wants to, so we will encourage him!
Oh, and Hailey just dropped the news that Parker has asked a girl to the 8th grade dance! She sent him a text pic of her dress, and she, and her dress are super cute! I wondered why he's been showering without being asked a million times recently.

I had my three month follow up at the cancer center last Monday, and after some abnormal lab work, I got to spend a few days being a complete basket case waiting for more labs and a CT of my chest/abdomen/pelvis. It seems my hormones are really high, which in my case is bad news because my cancer was so hormone receptive, and can indicate a recurrence. We had initially planned to do a uterine ablation, but my oncologist nixed that idea after my lab results came back. It seems the best thing to do is start Lupron injections to stop the hormones. I'm waiting to chat with my NP again tomorrow to set up a date to start these. Oh, my CT was negative! Yeah-woo hoo! Thanks my CT peeps and Dr VT-and Carissa for getting me in and done so quick.

The feeling that something else could be brewing after being a year out was an absolutely deflating feeling. I was literally sick waiting for the results and scan. I didn't tell anyone but my hubby, so I don't want anyone to be offended. No reason to scare anyone, and I know that's all I would have done with no real answers!

Tomorrow I have my pre-op appointment with Dr Buescher at KU for my tissue expander surgery in April! I'm excited and nervous. Then Brian and I are taking a quick trip to Denver this weekend. Nothing major, just a low key, relaxing time with some of my favorite relatives!
We have something going on every weekend in March-trip, VB, track meets, more VB, Stinky's 9th bday and Easter, whew! By the time my surgery gets here, I will be glad for the break!!

Brian is doing well, working and taking care of us. I never do post much about him, doesn't mean he isn't important. We aren't big Valentine's Day celebrators-I don't do candy or flowers, so it meant the world to me to come home to a beautiful hand written note from my hubby.
He is excited for his Annual Fraternity dinner in April, and to see some of his brothers. This will be their 25th year since pledging, so they get a special pin. They have a busy weekend planned, and of course it's the same as my surgery! Oh well, I have friends willing to spend it with me in the hospital so he can enjoy his weekend too. My surgery is the first of the day, so I will be in and back to my room early and then resting, so he should be able to slip away that evening. And there's no way I'm letting him stay with me this time-he was miserable last year. One of my partners in crime is already planning to sneak in a flask and some D'Bronx pizza anyway!

Like I said, March is busy for us-will keep you all updated. And just to prove it's never boring in the Rawley household, I'm going to scrub up the vomit spots from the dog. Yes, the cute little bulldog has a thing for laundry, and has thrown up 2 pairs of my underwear and 2 of the baby's socks tonight. I'm just happy he's able to throw them up, and not getting obstructed. Looks like we will be much more aware of making sure our closet doors are closed from here on out.

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