Got to the airport and through TSA with no issues-remarkably. I got the whole pat down thing-not sure why since my boobs didn't set off the metal detectors. FYI-for those of you wondering why they even might is because my expanders have a port in them which is metal. They used a magnet to locate it each time they filled. This may explain what I was talking about-my last chest X-ray from the Cancer Center, and no, I don't have nipple gauges.
TSA was very good with the bald kid. Didn't even make him take off his shoes! No pat down, no questions about the oxygen, needles, medicine, formula, feeding pump, guns or knives, drugs or scissors in his bag. JK!!
I was pleasantly shocked.
While boarding, my sister Kim went ahead to put his car seat in, and I was waiting on the jetway with E in his stroller. Next thing I know, one of the pilots comes up the stairs behind me and asks if he can help us on board. He makes everyone in line to board step back and then he takes one of E's bags, and his oxygen and helps me get him in. I think I saw his name was Tom? Anywho, pilot Tom was awesome!
Meanwhile, the attendant helping Kim with the seat was Arsan, and told us she was a nurse. Whew. Convenient, right? Again, fabulous.
A couple was getting settled in the row in front of us with their one year old, and as she turns around she sees the bald kid and exclaims "oh, my gosh-you're Ethan! I just read your FB page and blog last night! I wondered if we would be on the same flight today?!?! Best of luck to you-I will keep you all in my prayers!" Kind of felt like a celebrity!
The only, and I mean only bad thing about this SWA flight was that we had to sit on the runway for an hour before take-off because one of the air conditioners wasn't working. As we were all melting in a tin can with wings on asphalt the bald kid started to get a little overheated, looking like he might stop breathing at any moment, which of course caused me to get a little nervous, Arsan the flight attendant/RN came over with a cold compress for him and told us to put it on the back of his neck-because that will help cool him down the quickest. The pilot kept us updated the whole time and we were finally ready for take-off!
The lady seated across the aisle from us had helped carry a bag in for Kim, so when we ordering beverages, she tells us "I'm buying you Bloody Mary's for flying with him and cheers to a successful trip". Best Bloody Mary ever.
About halfway into the trip Ethan started getting a little restless. I took him out of his car seat and held him for a while and every now and then I would lift him straight up so he could look around behind us. Each time I did that he would get so tickled and laugh hysterically.
Once at Logan, as we were approaching baggage claim, these two guys that were on our flight asked if we had baggage they could get off the carousel for us-gotta love polite Midwestern raised boys! Then one says to me "I loved it when you lifted him up during the flight and he would grin and laugh. Made my day to see that smile!" And thank you dear fellow-you just made mine!
And Tom, the awesome and attractive pilot walked by us in the baggage claim area apologized to us personally for the delay of our flight.
I'm going to write a letter to SWA so these folks can be recognized for a job well done. I was kind of a nervous wreck, add sleep deprived, hot, an hour late arriving to a city I know no one in, with a handicap kid and a whole lotta shit-and I already don't fly well. Tom and Arsan made flight 1353 seemless and comfortable. Thank you SWA-you've got my business forever!
Other than being stood up by our transportation from the airport-due to our delayed flight, getting around Logan was pretty simple. Even with a stroller, oxygen, 2 large suitcases, 2 carry-ons, feeding bag, purse AND the bald kid! As we went to get in the taxi line-they are very regulated here-no tipping-we relished the 63 degree weather, and actually had to dig through our bags for jackets and a hat for baldy.
Taxi ride was uneventful except for the $60 price tag. Gulp. We will be exploring the T -public train-this weekend and getting much more familiar with it. Though honestly we've walked everywhere since we arrived at the house. BTW-we are staying at the Yawkey Family Inn, a medical house like Ronald Mc Donald Houses-only with shared bathrooms....brought my flip flops and plastic carryall for the shower. Just like college! The house is beautiful, rooms are clean and simple. And it is only 6 blocks from CHB.
Many of you have asked for the address-
Yawkey Family Inn
241 Kent St
Brookline, MA 02446
If you send anything just send it to the address as above and put it attention to me.
Brian shipped 20 cans of Ethan's food on Wednesday and we got it today!
After we got checked in and unpacked, we decided to venture out to the find the hospital so we would know right where we were going the next day since we had to be there at 0730. It was an easy, interesting 15 minute, 1.5 mile walk to CHB where we bought some water bottles at the CVS in the lobby and had dinner at Au Bon Pain-also in the hospital lobby.
Did I mention we all had fleece jackets on at 8pm!?!?! And we slept with our windows open last night!?!?! Sorry my Midwestern peeps. I am not missing the heat wave you all are experiencing right now!
So, a day late on the update due to sheer exhaustion. And forgetting to hit one button. And in the interest of keeping my readers from being so bored, I will update with Friday's events tomorrow.
When we wake up.
About 3 pm....