Friday, March 27, 2015

This little bald boy of ours.....

It's been a whirlwind of weeks around the Rawley household. Days run into nights into weekends into weeks and then this happened:

A note came home from school that Ethan was standing with very little assistance from his OT. 
Gotta see it to believe it, and this picture came home the next day. 
I cried. And cried. And cried. 
All happy tears. 
10 years 11months we waited for this day. 
We listened and nodded and smiled as educated people told us this day would never happen. 
And now I'm nodding and smiling watching this boy prove them wrong. 
He totally takes after me in the stubborn department. 

And here he is being silly with Hailey at home.  
First he wouldn't put his feet down and support his weight. 

See how his feet are crossed and he's letting Hailey do all the work?

Then he decided to lock his knees and stand up. With little support from Hailey. 

Then I think we all cheered and he started laughing and buckled those long legs into a heap on the floor.  

Fast forward another couple weeks and this note came home from school on Thursday. 
4 days before his 11th Birthday. 

And I know you probably can't read this, but it basically says Ethan communicated pain and its source to his teachers today at school. 
He answered a series of Yes and No questions on a program on the iPad and he was able to tell them his head hurt from his glasses and that he wanted them off. 

10 years, 11 months, 26 days. 
And the bald kid told them what was bothering him. 

Again, 10 years, 11 months and 26 days of us using our best guestimates at figuring out the bald kid came down to his eyes/head hurt from his glasses and he wanted them off. 

Guess it's time to take the bald kid to the eye doctor for some new glasses. 

I suppose this time we will let him pick out his own. 

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