Eight years ago today I was a 'newlywed' of about 24 hours! My new husband and I were sitting on the deck of a big ass cruise ship on our way to Puerto Rico sipping froo-froo drinks in souvenier glasses with cute little umbrellas-or at least I was, I'm sure Brian was drinking a Grolsch or two! We were floating on air and our new status as Mr. and Mrs. while actually operating hungover on very little sleep, a long plane ride and an even longer delay in port before we boarded that big boat taking us to paradise!
I was giddy in love with a wonderful man-but that giddiness only lasted until we were kayaking together in the middle of a tiny mangrove channel at night in Puerto Rico just off the ocean to see a bioluminscent bay. Let's just say that kayaking with the one you love will cause you to quickly re-evaluate your love for them. Not to mention it was pitch black, there were creepy sounds coming from the mangrove forest we were paddling through, and at any moment I expected an anaconda to leap out of the water and attack us. Not sure anancondas are actually native to Puerto Rico-but hey, shit happens-somebody might have had one as a house pet and when it got to be say 30 feet long and began eating the neighbors they decided to dump it in a remote mangrove forest. It was survival of the fittest at that point-if a giant anaconda did jump out of the water-well, I love you honey, but I had already decided Brian was going to be the first to be eaten. I began to wonder what the hell I was doing there and who the hell had talked me into this!?!?!
Oh, and did I tell you we were paddling through all of this to end up in the southern most tip of the Bermuda Triangle??? Brian was in the rear of our plastic little kayak, I in the front. Never having actually kayaked before, I was a little confused when he would tell me to paddle right-did he mean me paddle on the right, or paddle on the left and make the kayak go right?? Either way, I was definitely rethinking marrying the asshole in the seat behind me, and wondered if I hit him a few times in the head with the plastic oar-was it dark enough that no one else would see me??? There was lots of cursing, and near crashes into the mangrove tree roots-but we finally made it to the bay! The water was calm, the sky was clear with stars twinkling everywhere, and as you raised your oar out of the water it sparkled with a beautiful bluish-green glow! The trip getting there, and seeing this gorgeous side of nature was so worth it!
As I look back on the last eight years of marriage, I find myself reflecting back on that first 'journey' we took as husband and wife.
Has it been scary at times? Yes.
Have I sometimes wondered what the hell I was doing and who the hell talked me into it? Most definitely yes.
Have I wanted to hit my husband in the head with a plastic oar, or book, or brick or stab his eyes out with a fork? Yep. A time or two.
Have I cursed? Alot? Oh, f#%$@k yes.
Has it all been worth it? A thousand yesses.
I love you honey, after all we've been through, I love you more today than 8 years ago. I know you've got my back, and I've got yours. We have made a beautiful family together, and I couldn't ask for more.
Here's to at least 8 more.....and me curbing the urge to put a pillow over your head while you snore at night.
Happy Anniversary.
Cute story! And happy belated anniversary! Gotta say, your blog with a soundtrack that I can stand to leave the sound up on! Like your taste in music for sure!