Home from Boston a week, and we're already in Children's ER with a Rawley.
The 14 year old one.
Parker that is.
With a fractured collar bone.
Our first football injury.
3 games in.
That long skinny bone should NOT have a crack in the middle of it.
Normally-no big deal. But the ortho doc feels it may not heal right because the part from the break to the shoulder is actually twisted backwards and he may have a separation of his AC joint-where shoulder and clavicle meet. X-ray and ortho appointment Friday to decide for sure. Parker is doing ok, in a sling, but in quite a bit of pain still.
For my healthcare friends-as we were sitting in triage and the nurse asked him to rate his pain on a scale of 1-10; I was cringing, hoping he would not say "10"!!! He didn't-I've obviously taught him well!
Oh, and did I mention we will also be at Mercy Wednesday for Parker? He gets to have a CT because he may have a hernia....any of my fave Sedation RN's working? Parker's freaked about the IV!!
Hailey is having her wisdom teeth pulled this Friday.
My excuse to have a milkshake.
For breakfast.
Can't wait to post a pic of her chipmunk cheeks.
The bald kid?
Nothing short of amazing.
Saw Dr Russell in PCC on Tuesday-love her. He had to show off and sit up on the edge of the exam table for her. All by himself. For like 20 minutes. She cried. And I know you've all seen this pic. But here it is again because all I think of when I see this is "he will never sit unassisted"
Never. Say. Never.
Not to Ethan Rawley.
Dr Russell gave her thumbs up and high fives to send the bald kid back to school!
And feeding therapy.
And pool therapy.
*disclaimer-Ethan cannot get himself to a sitting position, but once placed there could balance and recover himself if he started to lean! HUGE steps for the bald kid!!!
Next it was Cardiology and Dr Kaine on Wednesday.
And again, the bald kid had to show off-but not just sitting up.....
his echo looked awesome!!!!
His new Melody Valve is still seated nicely and working perfectly.
His tricuspid valve leakage is down to mild.
His left heart function has almost returned to *gasp* normal.
And his right heart function is already improved.
And his oxygen on room air? 96!
Dare I even type it? I've been postponing this blog because I really can't believe it myself and didn't want to jinx us.
Dr Kaine was happy for us.
But very, very happy!
We found out he made a personal phone call to a St Louis Children's Cardiologist; Dr David Balzer, about Ethan. When Dr K realized MO HealthNet was giving us a hard time about going to BCH, and were wanting us to go to St Louis first, he approached Dr Balzer about what he might offer for Ethan. Dr Balzer agreed with Dr Kaine that doing the Melody Valve via cath only would not be something he was willing to do either, so he wrote MO Health Net and recommended Boston also!
Thanks Dr K! We love the bald guys!
Ethan does have to wear a holter monitor this week-a 24 hour EKG basically. Just to make sure that he's not having any funky heart rhythms that could be dangerous to him. We will hook him up Friday after school and send it back to Mercy next week.
Before we left for Boston, I asked a very dear friend, photographer extraordinaire, all round amazing person, Brandi Wisdom, to take some family pics. Brandi knows me, and gets me. We haven't had a family pic of all 5 of us in forever, and if we went to Boston and something happened to our bald guy, I would want those pics. Need those pics. And she got them. As usual, with her creative eye and typical Brandi magic behind the lens.
Not the greatest of the bald kid-but then again-his poor little heart was working so darn hard, I'm glad to have them to see the difference now for sure!
These are my absolute favorites-and I will post more this week.
Thank you my dear friend. Your pictures speak directly to my heart and are some of my most prized possessions. Moments in time frozen forever for me. Thank. You.
And to end with a quick hysterical story...
I'm a Halloween decoration freak.
My fave holiday.
So, how could I pass up these awesome hands I found in the hospital gift shop today?
I couldn't.
So....I get home from work and am admiring these beauties-yes, I got 2 pair-
when Hailey says Brian is out front in his police car talking to another officer, also in a police car.
As I walk out to the cars, carrying these hands, I actually rubbed one on the officer's arms with one of these hands, beaming with pride at my ghoulish new deco before I realize that
neither of these cops are my husband.
Yep, they thought I was crazy. Especially since they were in my neighborhood on a call of a suspicious person wandering around and here comes the crazy chick carrying two dismembered hands right up to the police cars. Because who wouldn't assume that at least one of the police cars directly in front of your house wasn't your husband??
Hey, they all look alike in uniform.
Even better? Hailey walks out and starts talking to them, even calling one of them Dad before she realizes it's not Brian!
So-sorry North Patrol guys, I'm sure you think I'm a total freak now, but thanks for laughing with me and keeping my 'hood safe,
Especially from a crazy chick in scrubs wielding dismembered body parts calling you honey.
If it weren't for social media, and the ability to have proof positive, nobody would believe this shit.
How could you?
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