Monday, September 2, 2013


I almost forgot to share that Parker dressed out for Staley's first varsity football game of the season on Friday!   I almost cried when he told us before I left, knowing I was going to miss it. We are so proud of him and all the hard work he has put in this summer with football. Also that he has straight A's right now.  I know most of you are thinking but it is only the 3rd week of school....
Let's just say Parker doesn't have a great track record with grades and follow through. I think he's found his niche, his place where he fits in, and I'm beaming with pride. 
He's number 47. 

Look at those smiles. Love them!! 

And a huge thanks to everyone who text me for his jersey number so they could watch for him on the televised game!  
His games this week are Tuesday at St Pius-starting at 5pm, and Wednesday at Staley at 5pm. If anything changes I will update. Thanks to those of you offering to attend and cheer him on in my absence.  Please be obnoxiously proud and loud so he feels like I'm really there! 

Hailey and Parker got to go to Hailey's Grandpa Chuck Ladner Memorial Golf Tournament on Saturday and spend the night at the farm with her Ladner family. Thanks to my BIL Trevor for taking them bright and early and spending the day in the heat. Trevor, my nephews Taylor and Kellen, and  Parker played in the tourney, and Kellen won a golf bag and balls!  Now all he needs is clubs for next year!  Hailey and Parker are keeping busy, but are very anxious about their buddy. They are used to being right with us along every step of the way with Ethan's previous hospitalizations and surgeries. We are very open and honest with them, and they get how important this trip and what happens here is for E.  But it doesn't make it any easier on a 16 and 14 year old.  They have given up a lot over the last nine years and often taken a back seat to their brother's needs, though you will never hear them complain about it. I am so proud of how they are dealing with all of this, just wish they could be here with us too. I am already planning a visit back here next year, with all of us, but for FUN!!

Today we are doing laundry, rearranging our suite (ha ha for those fellow Heart famiy Yawkey residents who know what I'm talking about!). We also need to venture out to find a hat for my nephew. 

My sister Kim leaves early tomorrow and Brian and my other sister Kate arrive around 1pm. It will be a long, long day tomorrow waiting for all the answers, so a post may come late tomorrow night. Brian will be in the air when I receive some of the results, so I won't share on here until he knows the plan. 

Please keep the bald kid in your thoughts and prayers as he goes under tomorrow. And for patience and strength for me as I get comfortable with the waiting room chairs. 

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