Let’s see if I can chronicle how I ended up at KU tonight....
My oxygen level dropped to 90 today and I was having sharp right flank pain. I was dizzy and nauseated and freezing-then a clammy sweaty mess.
I called Dr Nye’s nurse Camie (my KU Oncologist) and she said do not pass Go, do not collect $200, go straight to the ER.
And if you’ve never experienced KU’s ER-it’s a fucking shit show that runs like a chaotic well-oiled machine. And though I knew I’d be treated like a VIP at NKCH, I need to be here.
It’s a sobering feeling to be sitting in an ER with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer and Covid. I’m not a crier, and I started crying when Camie told me to go in. I’ve read all the stories, I wear my mask. I really don’t go anywhere and I could be one of those horrible statistics that died from Covid alone in a hospital room without my family or friends. Not how I plan to go.
Covid causes blood clots and one of my clotting labs was elevated so I got a CT PE Chest to rule out a pulmonary embolism in my lungs. Yes-the dreaded elevated d-dimer. But hey-they have a really nice GE 256 slice scanner so I chatted with the CT Tech about it-in between horrible, hacking coughs from lying flat.
My blood pressure is elevated at 157/96-probably because of the raging headache and neck pain I have.
My lab work shows my white count is 2.9 and my ANC is 1.53-I’m definitely immunocompromised. And the CT didn’t show any blood clots-but rather ground glass opacities in both lungs-worse in my right. Otherwise known as pneumonia. And tonight I have a fever of 101.
I went from feeling *pretty good* yesterday to having bilateral pneumonia in less than 24 hours. I can’t stress enough how scary this virus is.
I’m being admitted to Internal Medicine Service and I really liked the Dr who just came in to talk to me.
Here is the regimen I am going to be on for now:
Tylenol q4
Breathing treatments q4
Rocephin and Doxycycline antibiotic
Tessalon Perles for the cough
Deep breathing exercises to try and clear all the junk from my lungs
Advance nutrition as tolerated -speaking of which, I could really go for a hospital jello right now!
He is also going to have the Onc on service weigh in because Dr Nye has me currently holding my chemo.
I’m still in the ER-hoping to go to a room soon and beg for some food. I will keep y’all updated.
Wash your hands, wear your masks and don’t take this shit for granted. I feel
A W F U L.
Nobody deserves to feel this bad.
Kari this absolutely breaks my heart I am so so sorry! And you are right no one should feel this way! You are the strongest woman I've ever known so keep that fighting spirit and show covid that he is a POS!! Love ya girl and we are praying for a fast recovery!