Friday, November 30, 2012

Home, happy and healthy

Got home Wednesday afternoon about 2:30, and after much to do, no real answers. Which is what I figured.
Lab came by at 0400.
Hospitalist came by at 0730ish. She was very nice and was pretty sure they would discharge me by the afternoon pending a visit with the Cardiologist and some more labs.  My potassium hadn't even come up a point, so they gave me four more of those big yellow pills and she wanted to see if that would help bring it up before she cut me loose.
Dr Brick Rigden, the cardiologist came by around 0900ish, and I loved  him!  He was very curious about me working nights, what my hours are, how many nights a week I work, do I switch back to a normal schedule on my days off, how many patients do I scan a night, and so on and so forth. I think he was trying to find out if I was more stressed out than normal, thus causing the heart rate issues.  Especially when he found out how crazy this year has been for us!  When I explained that I do crazy well, and in fact if things were ever normal around our house, THEN I might have a nervous breakdown.  He laughed.  Oh, if he only knew.
  Anyway- he explained he is sure I had an episode of SVT or supra ventricular tachycardia, and there are 4 main types of SVT and none of which are life threatening, mostly just annoying.  Since we didn't catch the episode on EKG, we don't know what type mine is. Though we do know its not Wolf Parkinson White, even though WPW can run in families and is common in first degree relatives, and my son and sister had it.
 He offered that there are 3 options-
wear a holter monitor and try to catch an event on it-yeah, no thanks, my luck I would wear it and nothing would happen again for a year.
start on a daily beta-blocker-umm, nope again. I hate drugs. Except the good ones. Like Dilaudid.
Go to the cath lab and have it ablated-yeah, definitely not gonna happen.
Dr Rigden agreed with me that just waiting to see if it ever happens again, and it may never, then we would do something.
He did make me promise that if it did happen again while I was at work, I was NOT to go to the ER and get another patient to scan. Guilty. And I was NOT to go to the cafeteria and get a glass of water. Guilty again. ( I thought I could walk and will it away). I was to go to the ER and get an EKG-right then!
He still wanted an echo, just to make sure I didn't have anything structurally wrong with my heart that could have caused it.  Echo was normal except for some mild aortic valve leakage, nothing he would be concerned about unless I was to ever receive more chemo.
Oh, and I was to slow down.
I laughed again.
Not likely, not likely.

On an even better note, I saw Dr Sheehan at the Cancer Center this week, and my lab work has come back great so far. My tumor marker, or CA 27-29 dropped to a 23!!  That's a 17 point drop from my initial one of 40!  It just has to stay below 38 and all is good!  They re-checked my Vitamin D level because I've had some serious tooth achiness recently, and when it was low over the summer, my teeth ached.  However, Dr Sheehan felt like it was still some residual pain from the Taxol I received, even though I haven't had chemo since July!  Ugh!  The Vit D isn't back yet, probably tomorrow, but I've started back up on some anyway, though it doesn't seem to be helping.

Otherwise all is well.  Kids are good, bald kid is fighting a cold now for like 2 weeks, but who isn't?  Hailey has started club volleyball practice and conditioning-gonna be a fun season with these girls!  And Parker has been perfecting his golf swing at the golf academy and in our basement.  The weather has even been decent enough lately that Brian has played a few rounds in the last few weeks.
We got the house all decked out for the holidays, and are getting our pics taken for our Christmas card this weekend.  Can't hardly believe the end of November is tomorrow.  
Stay safe, warm and remember those less fortunate as we begin the busy Christmas countdown.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers for all of us this year!  One more month and we can close the book on 2012, welcoming a brand new year full of *hopefully* many less surprises!  

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you were able to get out. Since we have such similar heart issues in our family, I do worry about you knowing what I know. My nephew's WPW never showed up on his moniter or an EKG, they didn't find it until they did the ablation for his SVT. So I do agree with your Dr. try to get an EKG as soon as you notice it so they can capture it or wear the moniter :-) The fun thing for Brian can be him flipping you upside down to stop the racing heartbeat (that was one way to stop my nephews) I just hate that you have to deal with this along with everything else but I so love your outlook on it all. You are truly an inspiration to so many people and you really should put your blog post into a book. Your writing is so perfect and from the heart. I laugh, I cry, and I pray. You make such a difference in my day when I come to your blog. Love ya girl!
